The difference between NPM and NPX


The difference between NPM and NPX


NPM (Node Package Manager) and NPX, two indispensable command-line (CLI) utilities in the realm of JavaScript development, are bundled with Node.js. However, it's important to note that these tools have distinct roles and functions.

An Overview of NPM

NPM, short for Node Package Manager, stands as the default package manager for Node.js, primarily designed to handle dependencies and packages within Node projects. This indispensable tool was single-handedly developed by Isaac Z. Schlueter and made its inaugural appearance on January 12, 2010, with the implementation entirely in the JavaScript language. NPM empowers developers by facilitating the effortless installation, update, and removal of packages within their projects. It comes bundled as part of the Node.js runtime installation, ensuring seamless integration into your development environment. To verify whether NPM is installed on your system, you can execute the following command:

npm -v
# or
npm --version

NPM, on its own, remains inert. To harness the power of the NPM package manager within a project, the essential first step is to create a package.json script. This package.json file serves as a blueprint encompassing all the vital information required for a module. In this context, modules refer to JavaScript libraries that can be seamlessly incorporated into a Node.js project based on the project's specific needs. Moreover, NPM plays a pivotal role in version control, ensuring that project dependencies are managed effectively. Below, we provide an illustrative example of a package configuration:

  "name": "example-project",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "A sample Node.js project",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "node index.js"
  "dependencies": {
    "express": "^4.17.1",
    "lodash": "^4.17.21"
  "devDependencies": {
    "mocha": "^8.4.0",
    "chai": "^4.2.0"

In this package.json snippet, you can observe key details such as the project's name, version, description, main script, as well as its dependencies and `devDependencies`, each with specific version specifications denoting the desired compatibility.

Creating a package.json file and the associated node_modules directory can indeed be streamlined with the use of npm init. This command allows developers to interactively generate a package.json file by answering a series of questions, or it can be used with the -y or --yes flag to accept default values, making it even more convenient. Additionally, the node_modules directory will be initialized to house the project's dependencies.

Here's how to use npm init:

# To initiate the process interactively:
npm init

# To accept default values and create a package.json without prompts:
npm init -y

NPM Executables

When executables are installed via npm packages, npm creates links to them:

When executables are installed through npm packages, npm takes care of creating symbolic links to them. These links are established as follows:

  • For local installs, npm generates links within the ./node_modules/.bin/ directory of the specific project.
  • For global installs, npm creates links from the global bin/ directory. On Linux, this might be at /usr/local/bin, and on Windows, it could be at %AppData%/npm.

To execute a package using npm, you have a couple of options. You can either type the local path to the executable, as shown below:


Alternatively, you can execute a locally installed package by adding it to the package.json file within the "scripts" section. This approach enhances project manageability and simplifies the execution of specific tasks. Here's an example of how to include a script in your package.json:

  "name": "my-node-project",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "scripts": {
    "custom-script": "executable-name arg1 arg2"
  "dependencies": {
    "some-package": "^1.0.0"

In this example, we've defined a custom script named "custom-script" that runs the "executable-name" with specified arguments when invoked using npm run custom-script. This approach streamlines the execution of package-specific tasks within your Node.js project and can be particularly useful for automation and consistency.

Then you can run the script using npm run:

npm run your-package

You can see that running a package with plain npm requires quite a bit of ceremony. Indeed, running a package with npm, as shown, involves several steps and can be somewhat ceremonious. Thankfully, this is precisely where npx comes to the rescue, streamlining the process significantly.

Introducing NPX: A Powerful Tool

NPX, short for Node Package Execute, comes bundled with NPM installations above version 5.2.0. This tool serves as a versatile npm package runner capable of executing npm packages or binaries directly from the npm registry without the need for prior installation on your local machine. Its primary utility lies in its ability to execute specific packages or commands without cluttering your system with unnecessary dependencies.

As an illustrative example, consider the process of initiating a React project traditionally: you install the create-react-app package first and then execute npm create-react-app <project-name>. However, NPX simplifies this by allowing you to achieve the same outcome with a single command: npx create-react-app <project-name>. This streamlined approach is the magic of npx.

Additionally, NPX offers the advantage of running different versions of the same package without causing conflicts, further enhancing its versatility and utility in managing and executing Node.js packages.

To verify whether npx is installed on your system, you can run the following command:

npx -v
# or
npx --version

If npx is not currently installed, you can obtain it separately by executing the following command, which installs it globally using the -g flag:

npm install -g npx
# -g flag used to install it globally.

Once npx is successfully installed, you can utilize it to run packages and commands without the need for prior installation, as follows:

npm run <package-name>

Difference between NPM & NPX

This table highlights the primary distinctions between NPM and NPX, showcasing their respective roles and functionalities in the Node.js development ecosystem.

AspectNPM (Node Package Manager)NPX (Node Package Execute)
Primary PurposeDependency/package managerExecute npm packages/binaries without installation
Installed WithBundled with Node.jsBundled with NPM (versions 5.2.0 and above)
Execution of PackagesRequires prior installationDirect execution without installation
Running CommandsRequires specifying the local path or globally installed packagesAllows running commands directly without installation or specifying paths
Package ManagementManages project dependencies, creates package.jsonFocuses on running packages/commands, no package management
Common Use CasesInstalling, updating, and removing project dependenciesRunning one-time or occasional tasks, trying out packages, creating projects
Global InstallationPackages are typically installed globally with -g flagNo need for global installations, runs packages directly from the registry
Version ConflictsMay lead to version conflicts when managing dependenciesReduces version conflicts as packages are executed without installation
Usage Examplenpm install package-namenpx package-name or npx command
Package DiscoveryRequires knowing the exact package name and versionAllows easy discovery and execution of packages by name

In summary, NPM serves as a vital tool for managing and sharing packages within Node.js projects, facilitating the installation, update, and removal of dependencies. In contrast, NPX is a powerful utility designed for executing command-line tools and scripts directly from the npm registry without the need for prior installation.

This distinction between NPM and NPX simplifies development workflows and enhances efficiency. If you have any further inquiries or require additional information, please don't hesitate to reach out! 😊


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